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The Failing Widow Blog /

This is how I've navigated what my new normal life looks like. 


Christmas 2021: not bad, actually good.

I love Christmas. Our last 3 have been … challenging. And so this year I was determined to take it back. For me, if no one else. Three...

Why do I insist on walking up mountains?

I walked up a volcano recently. Facebook memories told me that it had been a year since I’d last walked up a mountain. Almost on the same...

Father’s Day in lockdown

This weekend we front up to Fathers Day in lockdown. And frankly, I’m tired of having to adult and parent through these days, and I don’t...

2.5 years later …

The passage of time is an obscure thing. In the early days I was counting hours and days. Then it became weeks and months. Weirdly the 6...

Oh, for crying out loud!

Today is all sort of blergh… I’ve been trying to work out why. Facebook memories tell me it’s a year to the day since we scattered Pete’s...

Grief is so sneaky

Grief - I am coming to learn - is a sneaky sod of a thing that appears out of no where and can smack you for six and leave almost as...

Righto, Year Three... let’s do this

I don’t even know how to get my head around the fact yesterday marked two years without Pete. I spent more of yesterday in tears than I...

Christmas: the best and worst of it all

I am current sitting on a hill. With a glass of wine. Having dumped a crying child under a tree where her father's ashes are spread to...

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