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The Failing Widow Blog /

This is how I've navigated what my new normal life looks like. 


Sentimental holdings

This photo of three empty wine bottles is probably representative of my sentimental hoarding tendencies. Each of these bottles is...

Books, books and more books

We have so.many.books. in our house. So many of those books bring back so.many.memories. We read a book to the kids every night from when...

How do you quantify missing someone?

How do you put a quantifiable measurement around missing someone? Like - how can you explain just how much you miss them. Or what it's...

And then out of the blue ... BAM!

I’d love to put some context around why I spent the afternoon crying in gutteral sobs on my bed... hyperventilating and desperately and...

Inspirational things are perplexing

For something that doesn't seem to have a rule book, there is a lot of stuff out in the grief sphere that suggests what you should be...

The deep ache of aloneness

I’ve discovered there is a particular type of loneliness that comes with widowing. It’s not necessarily an ‘I don’t want to be alone’...

The house of the father

I have adulted my way through a fraught week or 10 days. And I have come out the other end smiling. Laughing, in fact. It probably...

The curse of the giant cold sore

I have the most frustrating reaction to stressful, anxious, highly emotional, over tired situations ... cold sores. Well, cold sore -...

The giant cat is now gold plated

The fact we own a giant cat that is Pete’s legacy cat means that all bets are off when it comes to paying to make sure it stays healthy....

18 months later...

Today marks 18 months since we lost Pete. It’s a weird day to think about. Every Sunday afternoon at about 4.26 I take a moment to...

A podcast less traumatic

So I recorded a podcast about widowing with Steph from Motherland Australia recently. It’s much less about the actual day that Pete died...

Ashes aren’t actually ash

There are many things you learn as part of this grieving process... laughing at ridiculously morbid things has been one of them. In the...

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