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  • lizmecham

A podcast less traumatic

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

So I recorded a podcast about widowing with Steph from Motherland Australia recently.

It’s much less about the actual day that Pete died and all the obscure things I had to deal with in the immediate hours afterwards, and a lot more about how we are doing what we are doing in the weeks and months after.

We even delve into the idea of finding happiness again and how one of the kids now makes what we call a ‘unicorn killing noise’.

As an aside - I actually don’t know how I am doing what I do. I really don’t. It’s something that is asked of me often and I can’t answer it. Because I really honestly don't know, I just know I have to.

I know I have to for a lot of reasons. But mostly for the 4 most important reasons of all.

They need me to function and to be their mother. And so that’s what I need to do.

Even if some days that’s with lots of tears, some days are with laughs, some days are with lots of people holding us up, some days are with way more yelling than I would like (from me and the kids)...

Next weekend marks 18 months and I’ve had a moment or two realising that, but before I let myself get sucked into that rabbit hole I’ve got a child’s birthday to get sorted for.

You can listen to the Motherland podcast on the links here:


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Jul 20, 2020

Thank you Danielle x


Danielle Doyle
Danielle Doyle
Jul 20, 2020

Hi Liz, I just wanted to say that I have just listened to your podcast interview on Motherland and that I think you sound like an exceptional woman and I really enjoyed the interview (not sure that enjoy is the right word but it was a joy to listen to you speak so honestly). I can't even imagine what you have gone through. I think what you are doing with this blog and speaking out about your situation will help so many other women who may be facing the same trauma. Sending lots of love down to you and your family.

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