I talk a lot.
(This is not a new realisation)
I always have.
But I talk a lot about navigating my life as a widow, and about Pete even though he is dead, and navigating all the parts of grief that we have in the last almost 5 years.
I write about it a bit, too. Although less now, than I did before.
I actually don't mind talking about it. It can be emotionally exhausting and sometimes I slip into a bit of an emotional hangover afterwards, but it is always cathartic. And I always think that if I share my story, maybe it might help somone in the pit of despair of grief. Or help people understand how complex grief is. Or help someone help someone once they hear first hand the good and the bad of what we have experienced.
Recently my talking about it all has led to two ABC radio interviews - one was live to air and statewide across Victoria and went for about 20 minutes in an actual real-life radio studio and one was pre-recorded and I managed to fill about 40 minutes with my musings about our life.
For both of them I am genuinely grateful to be able to share our story. Thank you Kirsten and Liz for giving me the time and the platform.
You can listen to them online:
I pop in about the 35 minute mark but the whole conversation is about Grief and how people need to find the words to talk to people who are grieving.
This is a broadcost of the whole program - there is a little intro at the beginning but my bit is at the 2hr33min mark so you can just skip through to there.