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  • lizmecham

We are no longer ‘average’

There is a lot of paperwork to sign when someone dies.

Like ... A LOT.

There is even more when the person who dies doesn’t have a Will.

For years (and years and years) I begged Pete to write a Will. Declaring all he had to do was just jot down that he leaves it all to me.

Turns out, my nagging isn’t as effective as I would like to think it is.

So I am signing A LOT of paperwork to try and prove who I am and who the kids are.

It turns out, we are too old school.

Pages and pages and paperwork keep requesting the names of our previous spouses and dependant children from other relationships and marriages.

Turns out, the fact we have only been married to one another, and all of our children are born in wedlock just between us, is an anomaly when it comes to current day paperwork.

It has meant I get to skip over lots of pages, as in ‘if the answer is NO, go to the next section‘ type thing.

But has also meant I have had to get a lot of friends and notaries to sign a lot of different statutory declarations that vouch for the fact that we are just an old school family unit - married mother and father with their children.

Almost 6 months later and I still haven’t finished.

The awesome solicitor (or his wonderful secretary) is still working their way through the paperwork. Trying to line the ducks up for each and all of the different parties we need to contact in regards to the Estate ... because helpfully, the nagging about rolling his 5 super funds into one didn’t work either.

*FOOTNOTE* The upside of this is that the many many MANY different versions of ‘family’ that exist within my Facebook friends’ list ARE more likely to be recognised in this process. And while there may have been a tree destroyed unnecessarily for me to skip over pages, it’s actually a good thing.

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